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We're an Anabaptist church located in the Southern End of Lancaster County. We seek to glorify God through worshiping him together and nurturing the body of Christ. We are dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus and his coming kingdom through words, deeds, and actions. We're part of a larger denomination known as the Church of the Brethren. Together as a denomination we strive to continue "the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together."


We seek to glorify God through Jesus-centered worship and to take His love into our local and global community through our faithful service, giving, and outreach.


Anabaptists are people who trace their spiritual heritage to the radical reformation in Europe. We are people who believe our first loyalty is to Jesus and his kingdom. As a way of proclaiming that kingdom, we focus on serving others, living simply, and refusing to solve our problems by resorting to violence. You can find out more about our Anabaptist heritage here.


We are located in Quarryville, the center of the Southern End of Lancaster County. We love serving our community through service projects and partnerships with various organizations, our summer VBS program, and our year-round Children's Outreach Ministries.


We're a pretty laid back group of folks who love to get together, talk, worship, eat, and be together. You'll be hard pressed to find a church that feels more like a big extended family--though we have a long history, we always love welcoming new folks to our family. We hope you'll take the time to join us sometime soon!

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